Shuffle! actually made the deeply rooted and psychologically scarred backgrounds of the girls really deranged and fantastically interesting, and the main character ended up choosing the coolest girl in his harem in the end.

There are only two anime series based on hentai games that I've seen that were actually interesting and really played with the preconceived notions that the viewer goes into these crappy things with: School Days and Shuffle!.

CLANNAD is even more by the books than I had been willing to even give it credit for.
Pretty much ALL the girls in EVERY hentai dating sim anime and game are either just moe or over the top loud and full of themselves (but depressed underneath it all). The more I think about it the more I remember that that's not true. Usually there's tons of shades of grey in the personalities of the harem at the main character's disposal.

Okay, CLANNAD is a little different from the average anime based on hentai dating sims in this respect: All of the chicks are either totally beaten-down-wife moe, or so over the top loud and full of themselves that you WANT to turn them into beaten-down-wife moe. Oh! And one chick is usually an angel, a ghost, or a robot or something. Then they might kiss in front of the special tree on the hill overlooking the school. The main guy helps each girl to overcome her own problems (which causes her to love him more), but in the end of the show the guy always picks the most retarded or the most loser-ish girl of the group. Every last one of them has deeply rooted psychological scars). Other than that these shows always (ALWAYS) play out the same way: The main character meets a nest of women, each with their own cookie-cutter likes, dislikes, and personalities, and then 3-4 episodes are dedicated to each girl in which we find out why they like the main character and why the girls are so gloomy deep down inside (and they are. The main character never gets to do the horizontal mambo with the chick who he does pick either (and he's lucky if he's even gotten a hug from her by the final credits), and there's NEVER a harem ending to the anime series (where if it's a GOOD hentai dating sim, and you hit all the event points perfectly, you get a chance to bang all the girls at once, including the teacher and the underage one). The chief difference between these games and the TV series based off them though (other than the lack of any on-screen body banging) is in the TV show the guy always picks the girl the player would be least likely to choose in the game. These things usually take place in high school (so all the guys with seirufuku fetishes can ogle to their heart's content), and there's always at least one ultra quiet girl and one very outspoken girl, and ALL the girls are insecure about themselves and need LOTS of gentle prodding in order to help them overcome their hyperly theatrical problems of their pasts and to slip into one of their pair of panties by the end of it all. There's usually one he's known for a while (as a friend), one really young one, and one teacher (or aunt or mother) involved in the infatuation too, but that's beside the point. They never have any of the sex in them that made the hentai dating sims worth checking out in the first place (and the sex is the ONLY reason people ever played them), and the stories in the games (and to that extent the anime based off them) are always the same:Ī young man suddenly finds himself to be the object of the affection of at least 3 (usually 5 or so) hot chicks at exactly the same time in his life (despite the fact that he's either a selfish loser or a whiney, pansy virgin). Yes, I'll be honest with you, I hate TV anime series based on hentai dating sim games. Fanboys and fangirls LOVE that kind of clichéd crappola. CLANNAD is one of those shows that fanboys and fangirls have been pissing themselves over in childish glee since it was first announced as an animated project many moons ago, and it's easy to see why: It's got shitty character designs it has a plot based off a lame hentai dating sim game that is so paint-by-numbers that I knew exactly how the whole thing would wrap-up by the end of the very first episode and it was boring and overly melodramatic as fuck.