The movie with it's visuals, themes, world, and the soundtrack, easily made it one of my top 5 movies of all time, and it was my introduction to the genre of cyberpunk.

I can vaguely remember the day during the summer of 2019, I watched Blade Runner for the first time. This has nothing to do with my review, but I thought I'd make mention of it here. That's pretty much all I've to say about the game, pretty solid experience from my point of view. it is what it is, you'll have to try it yourself to see if you like it or not.
It's like a walking simulator with a hint of detective work. Can't help but feel too that the acting seems just a bit off for some reason. While there are times when you have to avoid some kind of threat, these are very short lived and very few of em happen. The events throughout the story itself, I wasn't able to clue it all together, but I think maybe its one of those things that is better just through pure speculation, an outside looking in thing if you will. I'm not usually scared because I'm absolutely cold, and it takes the worst of the worst vile real world garbage to actually scare me. Now what I can tell you is, that horror is subjective. Dan travels to what I can describe as the crappiest apartment complex that acts as the games' main liminal space, as he looks for clues and answers to figure out the whereabouts of his son, while uncovering a killer that is loose in the building which is on lockdown. You, the player, take the role of The Observer himself, Daniel Lazarski, who by the way is voiced by none other than the legendary late Rutger Hauer. If it couldn't get any worse there's the nasty Nanophage plague. Well, sometime in the future a very nasty war between two different sides of the world left each other in shambles, so much so that a Polish corporation took the reigns.

Now, what's The Observer anyways? What's the story? Well I mean, you could always look at the Steam page.But I'll tell you anyways. Luckily that's pretty much the only issues I've experienced, I didn't crash at all while playing, so that's good. Also I had many, many stuttering issues across my 8 hours with the game. Thank god I had the RivaTuner monitoring. While an fps above 120 sounds dandy, the reason I kept it at that limit is because I have a heavy workload gpu, and the unlimited fps that would go at least over 250 by the way, along with the ray-tracing and ultra settings at 1440p, not even 4K, would crank my gpu to 80 degrees. Now, usually when I boot the game again, it's not capped to 120 fps, as my RivaTuner shows it running above that limit. The graphics themselves are beautiful, no doubt, I played the game all the way through on ultra with ray-tracing and a solid 120 fps. I'll get my complaints out of the way first, and I'll start off with explaining my problems with the graphics options shmasm whatever you wanna call it. Although like with every and any other game in existence, it's not perfect. And, since I'm hot off of watching all of Cyberpunk Edgerunners, I thought why not start off my horror game marathon with a cyberpunk horror game? That's exactly what The Observer is. The month also gives me an excuse to marathon spooky games, or movies, a tradition of mine that I started last year. Well it's that time of year again, isn't that right? The spookiest month of the year where at the end, we go to other peoples houses for candy, and a trip to the operating room because of razor blades.